Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Bunny

When Jamie's cousin Stephanie was very little, she said, "Happy Easter Bunny!" and I've heard it quoted many times (in a 1/2 toddler, 1/2 speech impediment voice) in the family in the five years I've been around. Basically, it is the accepted internal Easter greeting.

He came! The Easter Bunny must be magical. He managed to find Brenna, even though she was almost 2 hours from home.

So, we say, "Happy Easter Bunny!" to Jamie's side (who we spent a lovely weekend with, minus Kevin, Ryan and Courtney who were visiting Pop in Florida) and to my family, who spent the weekend at the mountain house with my Aunt Mare's family (minus 13 of us!).

Which means, in the mountains it is only the twins, the dads, Mommom, Colleen and Caitlin (who are sending us hysterical emails as I type this about their time there that we are missing... by the way, girls, I love Marta, and I want to be her not stupid Louisa - she sucks!). Mom, I saw you called, but I didn't realize you were still there, and I called your regular house. We'll talk tomorrow. Until then, "Happy Easter Bunny!"

1 comment:

Melissa said...

"Happy Easter Bunny"- that is so cute. Your gals are adorable.