Sunday, March 23, 2008

First Easter

In honor of Brenna and Bobby's first Easter, I bought these matching onesies that they wore on Friday. They were only $1.50 at Babies R Us, so I have to brag about that find.

I got Maura sidewalk chalk, chick socks and a plastic egg with little markers and stencils. A few minutes after she opened the socks, she was staring at them, and then she claimed the socks she was wearing were sweaty. She tore them off, happened to spot the new socks and suggested she wear them immediately. The perfect solution - she was without socks, and there were socks right there!

Is it bad that I think her tiny, pointless fibs are really cute? Erin and Rob can deal with them if they get bad, but for now, I love to practically watch the wheels turn in her head to get what she wants.

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