Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It was a good day

Today when I picked Brenna up from daycare, she got so excited and promptly said, "Baaayyee," and waved to her teachers, as if her day could begin now that she was leaving with her awesome mom. If she could pronounce, "Peace out, suckers," that's what she would have said.

According to her daily report, Brenna took two naps (she usually takes one for a half hour tops), and ate great.

She then spent the car ride home in silence, with a smirk on her face, moving her hands up and down to a Coldplay cd. She usually screams her head off, pissed she is strapped down, until she passes out in exhaustion from not napping.

My former non-eater ate her entire dinner (meat, starch and veggies), so I gave her some pudding for dessert. She nodded at the pudding and said, "Mo," and, "Ba," at the spoon. "Mo" means, "More," but the, "Ba," is just overused - she uses it for bottle, bath, ball, balloon and various other objects, so it didn't really apply.

We read books and talked about dogs (Brenna's new favorite thing in the world), and how they say "woof, woof," but she says, "Ga," when she sees pictures of them. She looked from the dogs in the book to the pictures of the real dogs she knows, Lilly and Rylee, in a frame across the room. (Cathy, did you teach her that when you were babysitting? We can't figure out how she even noticed that picture, it is one of 9 in that frame, and we never point it out!)

Bathtime tonight was a blast; we practiced floating on her back, which she thought was really fun. She gave me lots of cuddly hugs afterwards.

But the best of all was bedtime. Brenna was still wide awake and smiling when she finished her bottle, so we laid her in her bed wide awake, and she just smiled at us as if saying, "Oh, good, bedtime again," and she nestled into her mattress and closed her eyes. She didn't even stand up or let out one cry... she just stayed there.

Yes, today, Brenna was perfect. Just like I ordered her.

So, I guess they take like 10 months to work? Haha.

1 comment:

Grandma Cathy said...

I want to say that I take full credit for teaching Brenna animal sounds and making up stories about animals, how they sound and her two favories woo's Rylee and Lilly. Lilly misses Jamie so much maybe someday she can visit. I know Meghan would welcome her with open arms (and a raincoat).