Sunday, October 7, 2007


Brenna is not yet 4.5 months old, yet she has more clothes than I do. Although she can not sit or move from place to place (other than rolling over and sticking her butt in the air), our basement already looks like Toys R Us.

The "I wish I could crawl..." lift...
Her grandmothers, in stereotypial grandmother fashion, visit our home with clothes, books, and toys multiple times a month. In addition to the grandparents, Brenna has 6 uncles, 2 aunts, and 2 future aunts (a fiance and a long-term-girlfriend of Jamie's brothers) that are eager to make sure that she is lacking nothing. And then there are cousins and friends who come out of nowhere with gifts that are so thoughtful!

This weekend alone was no special occassion, and still Brenna managed to score with:

1. A NEW WINTER COAT from Uncle Mike and Future Aunt Camille.
Look how cute she will be when it's not 86 degrees in October...

2. CLOTHES from Aunt Kelly, who also got our niece a tutu and future nephew an entire wardrobe.

My cousin Jimmy, a Marine, is on his second tour of duty in Iraq. The first time he was there, he sent our niece a stuffed camel that plays Arabic music when you squeeze it. We thought this toy was hysterical, and we named the camel Sayid after the Iraqi character from LOST. Jimmy has been in Iraq since before Brenna was born, and he just sent a camel home for her, too!

My mom and Jimmy's mom (they are twins) have 60 first cousins, one of whom married and Iraqi native named Zade. Since Zade is the only other Iraqi name I know of other than Sayid, I decided this will be Camel #2's name.

On another note, my friends John and Christine had a baby boy, Joseph Daniel, this morning. And, my friends Rob and Carrie got engaged on Thursday. Congratulations to John, Christine, Rob, and Carrie, and welcome Baby Joseph!

1 comment:

Carolyn S. said...

Someone has the makings of a great badonkadonk!