Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Ringleader

Today when I dropped Brenna off at daycare, her teacher, Miss P, told me a new baby boy was starting today who was 2 months younger than Brenna. I said, "Good. She will no longer be the youngest one in the class."

Miss P told me that her age was no matter. She felt that Brenna was advanced (Miss P knows how to keep the checks coming. She also once told me she could see that I was an excellent mother), and she said that Brenna, a week shy of 5 months, was actually the ringleader of the class consisting of a 10-month girl, a 9-month girl, a 6-month girl and a 6-month boy. My baby, the leader.

I guess I could see what she meant. As my baby played in her exersaucer, a father brought his baby boy in the room with his 3-year-old brother by his side. Brenna LIT up when she saw the 3-year-old. Her eyes were glued to him and she jumped up and down, as if to say, "Forget these BABIES! One of my people!" I think she spends so much time with her cousin Ella that she thinks she's a toddler, too.

Since Brenna will very likely go through an awkward stage in 12 - 15 years like her parents (99.9% chance of being weirdly tall with braces and bad hair), I decided to have a photo shoot of the day Brenna was the coolest kid in school.

No more pictures, please.
My popularity is exhausting.

Someday, Brenna, I will buy you a hair straightener and take you to get your braces off. Until then, I hope you enjoyed today.

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