Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Day on the Farm

When I was in second grade, my family moved out of Philadelphia to a suburb 30 miles outside of the city.

That October, we visited a local dairy farm, MM Farm, to ride on a hayride and pick pumpkins with our new neighbors. Because our parents had lived in the city their entire lives, going to a pumpkin farm (or any farm) was something we had never done before, and we loved it.

We continued this trip until we became pre-teens/way-too-cool. But, from the late eighties, there are many photos of my sisters and I on MM Farm, smiling with our pumpkin choices, eating ice cream, and sticking our heads on the top of scarecrow cut-outs.

Now that my older sister, E, has a two-and-a-half-year old (in addition to a baby on the way), and I have Brenna, we decided to go today with our husbands, parents, and sister, K (who is home on fall break from her Ph.D. program).

Twenty-two years after our first visit, we were all together at MM Farm today.

Me, Brenna and Jamie

Aunt Kelly and Brenna

My cute husband and my cute baby

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