Friday, October 5, 2007

BabyLegs Crazy

I often get bored (like now, it is 11 p.m. and Jamie and Brenna are both in bed), so I visit a baby information board. I used to visit its popular sister web site to help plan my wedding, so when we found out we were going to have a baby last September, I began to visit the site for pregnancy advice.

For the most part, I want to be entertained and feel like others out there understand issues like, "My baby will NOT stop crying and I need sleep," (4-8 weeks old were torture), or, "Do you consider 6 hours sleeping through the night," (no), or, "I never want my husband to touch my fat body again," (which is probably why I am awake writing and he is asleep by himself, haha).

Some things I read about, however, I try to ignore. One of those things was the obsession with BabyLegs. What are BabyLegs? They are the trendy "must-have" clothing item for babies/toddlers these days. It seems as though the majority of the moms who frequent the site dress their babies in them. They are these adorable leg warmers that supposedly make diaper changing easier, babies' legs cozy and comfy, and grow with the babies as they become children. Glorified knee socks, really. They were soooo not necessary.

Until moms started posting pictures of their babies in them. And, I found myself needing to have them for Brenna. I waited it out, but I recently caved.

Brenna's first (3 pairs) of BabyLegs arrived today, and we had a fashion show!

After testing them out, I decided they are still not necessary (how hard is it, really, to remove pants for a diaper change?), but they are so cute!

I think I love BabyLegs.


Jenn said...

Babylegs have that effect! I hear they are great for crawling though and as they get older you can use them on their arms in place of a jacket. IOW, eventually they might be useful.

Michelle B said...

Hahah.. I am glad I read this post because I was just looking at the pictures and was thinking, why on earth is she putting BRenna's pants under her onesies? HAHAHAHA