Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today I took Brenna to church, and she wore her first hair bow. While I love hats, I'm not really a fan of hair bows on babies without any hair, but it came with the dress and looked so cute, so I had to leave it on.

The dress/onesie/hair bow combo only cost $2 on clearance at Babies R Us. I like to note my fine shopping skills at times like this...

She was great in church, which I was thankful for because Jamie took her to the cry room last time due to her growling, and he was not there to help today because he had a ton to do after a long night DJing at a bar. So, it was just us girls. We sat in front of Kara, Joe and Ella, and Ella loved jumping from pew to pew and telling Brenna she could NOT have any goldfish.

After church, I took her to Target to get some things for the house. We then headed home to watch the Eagles game. During the game, she napped on the living room floor in front of the tv. She was so content, I let her stay there.

After two hours of sound sleeping on the ground, she woke up and said "Google." 10 years ago, this would be considered baby giberish, but I would not be surprised if my tech-savvy daughter's next word is "Myspace" or "Yahoo."

We then all went back to the park. It was just a tiny bit cooler today, but another gorgeous day. This time, she was an experienced park-goer, and felt much more like the cool kid...

"What are you looking at?" When we returned home,

We played with a new Baby Einstein toy that we bought at Target today. It is another thing that lights up and plays music, and, of course, speaks your choice of English, Spanish, or French. We don't have any Baby Einstein dvd's, but every toy we have (her exersaucer, her playmat, teething rings, and now this) that those Baby Einstein people make, she is obsessed with. I've heard it's like crack for babies, and it really is...

I'm now off to bed. Tomorrow's Monday :(. But, it was a great weekend.

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