Tuesday, December 4, 2007

School Pictures

So, Brenna hates daycare.

I mean, she must. I got her professional school picture proofs back and these are the gems they came up with:

What the hell is this about? This baby smiles when you say, "Boogie," or look at her funny. Peek-a-boo sends her into hysterical laughter. She is really not hard to take a picture of.

Why, then, did they take professional pictures (with the teachers she sees everyday standing right there), and this was what they came up with as their five best? Yikes. Poor Brenna.

Brenna, baby, if are trying to send me signs to be a stay at home Mom so you can smile again, this isn't enough to do it. I wish I could more than anything already!!! But all this did was convince me to definitely not order these pictures and pretend I don't know who they belong to when I hand in the empty order form.

And put a baby hair brush in your cubby.

1 comment:

Our Sweet Caroline Brown said...

Hi Meghan! I found your Blog via the Nest, and I love reading it because our babies were born one day apart! (My Caroline was born on 5/22!) Best wishes! Anne Brown :)