Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jamie just found my cell phone

It had been missing for 2 days, sending me into a panic. He has his new Iphone, and has been shaking his head at me because I can't keep track of my 2-year-old cheap Samsung that doesn't even take pictures.

The saddest thing is, I have not missed a call.

Oh, and I have been blaming Brenna the entire time (she enjoys putting things in the trash can), but it was actually in the diaper bag, where I put it myself 2 days ago. Sigh.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Oh that's funny! I am horrible with keeping track of my blackberry....I would have totally been blaming Brenna too, because Eric likes to play hide and seek with our stuff now too....but usually we don't find it ; )