Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Due to Brenna's booger ears, she was put on and antibiotic and ear drops.

The medication caused thrush in her mouth (underneath her upper lip), which is a yeast problem that babies get. She's on another drug for that now, after visiting the doctor yesterday.

These three drugs (most likely the antibiotic) have also caused diarrhea, which is so bad that I had to give her a sink bath immediately upon walking into daycare today. Even though Brenna was in a great mood, I almost cried leaving her after she was all clean and in her extra clothes early this morning (and I was 45 minutes late for work).

Finally, the latest ailment has caused a diaper rash that is so painful for her, that we can't change her without feeling like we are torturing her.

Poor baby! She went 6 months of her life without getting sick, and then, thanks to a winter in daycare, she has been sick every couple weeks for the last 3 months... RSV at 6 months, a double ear infection/sinus infection/throwing up/puss in her eyes at 7 months, an unexplained fever at 8 months (easy month), and now another ear infection/thrush/diarrhea at 9 months.

Thank God spring is in less than a month. And after that, Brenna will get a daycare break from mid-May until mid-August!

That's right, Jo Frost herself, Aunt Kelly, is coming home this summer, and her job will be to care for her favorite one-year-old every day! We can't wait until our almost Ph.D. in Child Psychology, our very own Supernanny, comes to care for our baby.

I have a confession. When spelling the word, "psychology," I have to do a cheer from grade school cheerleading in the back of my head, "P-S-Y-C-H-E-D, psyched is what we want to be, get psyched, woo-woo, get psyched!" (clap, clap, clap). It's just one of those words.

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