Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day!

Today was our first official out-of-work snow day of the season! We didn't even get that much, but because the snow was to be followed by ice, we all stayed home. Jamie worked from home while I pretended to be a stay-at-home mom :).

I took Brenna over to play with Maura in the snow...

By the evening, Maura was bouncing off the walls. She turns 3 tomorrow, and is having a Dora party with all of her friends. Erin and Rob gave her a bike tonight.

Tomorrow is the most popular birthday I know of. One one of my best friend's, Dannielle, turns 30 (I'm going out in the city after Maura's party to celebrate), Jamie's brother Ryan turns 24, and a baby named Ben in our new playgroup turns 1. And, even though it's not a real birthday, our baby girl turns 9 months tomorrow.

At 9 months, Brenna now says, "Haaa," and waves hello to us constantly. She drank apple juice diluted with water for the first time today, and she loved it. She has been sleeping like a champ (11-12 hours every night - knock on wood). She climbs stairs and cruises along furniture; she now even lets go of one piece of furniture and steps towards a new piece. Her first steps will be right around the corner! And, cutest of all, after her hair got messed up today, I witnessed her first curl.

God, I love her.


Melissa said...

What sweet pictures. You have adorable girls.

Michelle B said...

ummm.. were maura's boots on backward?