Sunday, November 25, 2007

Eagles game

How are the horrible Eagles beating the "best-team-ever-put-together-in-football" New England Patriots? It's 28-24 in the fourth quarter.

A.J. Feeley is the Eagles' quarterback tonight as Donovan McNabb is hurt. This happens every season. A.J. Feeley and Jeff Garcia have carried the Eagles through the playoffs in years past and Donovan ruins it all. This year, it seems the season is already shot, but how in the world are they beating the Patriots right now? Wow.

The real purpose of this post is to remember that A.J. Feeley drove me home from a bar five years ago when I lived in Philadelphia. My friends left me in a bar as I was talking to him (they were trying to "help" me), and he offered to drive me home. I was too much of a wimp to say anything to him except for thank you as I was getting out of the car. Well, to be honest, I had had so many cocktails that he probably wanted to kick me out of the car by the time we got there, but it was definitely one of those fun nights I like to remember.

It's a good thing I was a wimp/drunk, because if he had taken my number or (gasp!) come in my apartment, he probably would have fallen madly in love with me and I'd be on the sidelines of the Eagles game blowing him kisses right now. Which is where Tom Brady would see me and steal me away from A.J. after deciding that Giselle has nothing on me.

Yes, that is what would have happened.

On another note, Jamie is snoring on the couch right now. But, he's better than any professional football player. He did, afterall, win fantasy football today :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Nice Post!Kind Regards