Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So much fun!

Since I've been slacking for a few days, I'm catching up tonight!

Brenna has come very far in the last few weeks. Check out all she can do at 7.5 months (the first two are short videos of her crawling and pulling up, and laughing, of course). As you can see from the pictures, she's even letting go of things and has the very beginning thoughts of wanting to walk!

Now, if she'd just cheer up during dinner, we'd be set.

(You have to double click the play button to watch these two videos. Please try to ignore our high pitched squealing. She reacts well to it, but it does not come across so well when recorded!).

Short Videos:

And Photos:

I call this a face only a mother could love...

Still hates food.

Look, no hands!

You want me to come to you... by myself?

Okay, I'll give it a shot!

Not quite yet, but she's only 7.5 months!

She's such a happy baby, we been having so much fun with her lately!

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