Thursday, January 3, 2008

3.5 months is the new 21

I used to think that people look the best they ever do in their lives when they are in their early twenties, but I think I was wrong.

I now think you can't get any cuter than 3.5 months. My best friend, Kelly, sent me new pictures of her son, Benjamin, who is 3.5 months old.

I always wondered what the child of my freckled, red-head friend and her mainly Asian looking husband would look like. And it turns out, the answer is the cutest little boy ever!

Even if his Christmas card did have him wearing a Giants jersey (they live in New York), how cute is little Benny?! I could just eat him up.

There is a lot to be said for this 3.5 month theory. The best pictures I ever took of Brenna were from early September when she was 3.5 months old (a few weeks before I started this blog). This first picture is the one picture I have blown up of her, hanging in my living room.

I love these because she was obviously pretty cute, but I also love them because it marked a time when she was sooooo happy.

Brenna was colicky from 3 weeks until 3 months, and then in mid-late August, she finally stopped crying! She all of a sudden was happy with everything. She learned to roll over both ways in early September, and we had this new baby on our hands who belly laughed and smiled all the time. These pictures captured the new Brenna. She's been smiling for the past four months, but I'll always remember that 3.5 months was pretty great!

It just keeps getting better, Kelly... Benny is adorable!

1 comment:

Jonna said...

YAY!! my favorite picture of Brenna is on here!!

Benny is a doll!!!
