Thursday, January 31, 2008
Billie Jean King
It's an unfortuate comparison, but a fair one.
Don't tell Brenna that, though. I mentioned it once and she got so mad, she threw her crib at me and went back in the closet.
Smart Cookie
If you write those names out, in any order, and ask Maura to point to the name you say, she can do it easily. You have to say, "Bobby is the one with lots of "b's," but even so. She's not even 3 yet.
She also told Erin that she'd rather be at school than home with her. (Erin is home with them on maternity leave until September). They are going to see if daycare will let her come one day a week, or one week a month, so Maura doesn't go stir crazy.
There are only so many Annie songs we can sing and dance to, and only so many times we can play Ship with her.
Oh, are you not familiar with Ship? Ship is a game where we pretend her bed is a ship, which we are riding to the hospital ("hostible"), and she drives us there. We often fall off the ship, into the carpet/water and hurt our knees, hence the need for medical treatment.