Thursday, April 30, 2009

this blog needs a makeover

I have really let this blog go to hell, huh? It's funny how I used to blog every day or every other day.

Here I am, 35 weeks pregnant with Baby #2, and she deserves the first year and a half of her life (at least) blogged about just like Brenna, right? I think so!

Only, this place is called meghanjamieandbrenna.blogspot. I think she might feel a bit left out.

So, now I have to decide what to do. Do I start a new blog? I would like to copy and paste all relevant information from this one to that one, but I'm not sure how to do that exactly. I'm going to give this some thought, but I'm going to start blogging again soon. And, I really am. This time, I'm not like Jamie, who says he's going to run a marathon or lose 20 lbs. and we all just laugh at him because evryone who knows him knows he's ALL TALK. I'm actually going to walk the walk, I promise.

Mainly, so my second child doesn't hate me.

While I'm on the topic of this blog sucking, that blurry picture of Brenna on the right side of the screen (at four months) is really pathetic. I'm sorry to anyone that is reading this for how ugly this blog is. It must hurt your eyes.


Pixiepurls said...

I don't know how blogspot works but normally you can "export" your entries or export your entire RSS feed... no idea how to do it with anything but wordpress and moveabletype tho.

Valerie said...

I forgot this blog existed until I just saw an update on my google reader, you're bad! : )
I'm pretty sure on blogspot you can export your old blog into a new one!

Unknown said...

you can change your name/url of this blog without changing it completely. same blog = new name. i can walk you through it if you want!

Kat said...

ditto everyone else- you can change the name easily. Look forward to the start of your blogging again! :)

Debi said...

Look forward to you coming back to the blog world :)